Thursday, February 3, 2011

Emily Golitzin

Emily Golitzin is a 15 year old photographer from California. She is insanely creative and expressive through her work and voices teenage life through simple clothes and settings yet makes it look like so enviable. Her photographs are a journey of her life- full of character and experience. Here is a link to her flickr, you should definitely check it out. 

When did you start photographing?
I got into photography in sixth grade after receiving a Canon Powershot for my birthday. Then, in eighth grade, I took a photo class and bought an SLR, and after that, there was no turning back.

What got you interested?
I've always loved photos - I used to spend hours looking through my mom's old photo albums and marveling at how much the people in the photos had changed. It's something that's always fascinated me.

What does your camera equipment consist of? And what film do you prefer using?
I shoot with a Canon Rebel XSi for digital and a Canon Rebel 2000 and Canon AE-1 for film. Right now, I'm using up a big box of Fuji 400, but Kodak 400 is definitely my favorite film.

Who are your photography idols?
I wouldn't really consider anyone my "idol", but some of my favorite photographers on Flickr are Jocelyn Catterson, Alison Scarpulla, Olivia Bee, and Jessie Roth.

What music do you listen to?
I listen to all sorts of music. I love alternative and rock as well as some hip hop and pop. Right now, I'm listening to Nicki Minaj, and last night at this time, I was listening to Vivaldi... my music taste is all over the place.

What are your favorite artists/ authors?
My favorite artist is Norman Rockwell. I love the way he portrayed his ideal America, and his later work is also wonderful in a more haunting way. "The Problem We All Live With" is one of my all-time favorite paintings. My favorite author is probably Neil Gaiman, but I'll read just about anything.

One odd thing you love.
Star Trek. At least, that's considered odd among people my age.

If there was one person dead or alive you could shoot, who would it be? and why?
Ohh gosh, I have no idea how to answer this. I'd love to shoot anyone. I really like working with people, but I don't have a lot of models at my disposal, so yeah, I'd be happy to shoot anyone.

What is the soundtrack to your life?
I'll have to go with Summer Girls by LFO. It's one of the most played songs in my iTunes for a reason!

One own favorite picture of yours, and why?
This is one of my favorites, because it represents my personality so well. Plus, the Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places on Earth.

What time of the day do you prefer shooting?
I don't care how cliche it is, I adore golden hour. That said, I also love shooting in early morning fog - the light is unbelievable.

Your favorite thing to shoot.
People, hands down. I love candid shots, I think they speak volumes about the subject's personality.

Who/ what would you say is your biggest inspiration?
I'm inspired most by the sun and the fact that I'm alive. I'm so lucky to be in such a good place in life, and I know that. I try to make the most of everything, and that's where I get my inspiration.

Three things you never leave home without.
Honestly, I can't think of a single thing. I suppose the logical answer would include my phone and my camera, but honestly, I'm perfectly okay leaving those things at home.

What would you love to do with the rest of your life?
I've wanted to be a doctor since seventh grade; that's my biggest goal right now. When I grow up, I'd really love to be able to move around from city to city, or at least travel a lot. We'll see how that works out.

If you could make a million dollars doing one thing, what would it be?
Anything that makes me happy.

One thing you're saving up for.
A trip to New Jersey in the summer to visit some of my friends.

One fictional character you most identify with. And why?
In elementary school, I literally was Hermione Granger. She was pretty much my best friend for a few years. We're both bookish, smart, and bossy, and we both have out-of-control hair.

How does your city affect your art?
I live in a fairly small town, so it's limiting in a way. However, it's surrounded by lovely vast fields and hills, and that's definitely inspiring. I've grown up with a love of nature, and I think that's reflected in some of my photos.

If you could choose one place in the world to live, where would it be?
I visited Italy last fall, and Rome really stuck with me. It's a beautiful, unforgettable city, and I fully plan on living there sometime in the future.

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