Tuesday, December 28, 2010

vintage rally.

We don't have much time to blog right now because we have a massive party to organize for New Year's eve. So here is just something we have been meaning to post for a while now; we went for this vintage rally and the owners were kind enough to let us sit in/ on/ near their old school rides. We were too scared to be over familiar with the cars, hence nothing special with the poses. 
But let us know what you think? X

 By: Anahita Paul

 By: Anahita Paul

 By: Anahita Paul

By: Anahita Paul

 By: Rhea

By: Rhea

 By: Rhea

By: Rhea

Monday, December 27, 2010

I can make your storm feel sky blue.

One of our best friends came back from university in England and he surprised everyone which worked pretty well because we almost made our fathers hit our cars when he called. So, this was a small shoot we had with him and it was nothing serious- there was us, our equipment and our props. He is crazy talented and does almost everything creative that is humanly possible from graphic art to writing and is just getting into photography. Here is a link to his deviantart http://blindflyleaf.deviantart.com/
It was brilliant fun. Have a look at our work and let us know what you think? X
Also, we both started posting on flickr a while ago. Here are the links. Rhea's flickr and Anahita's flickr.

By: Anahita Paul

 By: Anahita Paul

By: Anahita Paul

By: Rhea

 By: Rhea

By: Rhea

By: Rhea

By: Rhea

Saturday, December 18, 2010

of something.

We kind of stalked someone into modeling for us by asking her at this party and well contrary to what we thought she took it as a real compliment. So here are some pictures that came out sort of Midsummer Night's Dream in their atmosphere- though that wasn't exactly what we were going for. Guess it works though, let us know what you think? Kthnxbai. X

By: Anahita Paul

By: Anahita Paul

By: Anahita Paul

By: Anahita Paul

By: Rhea

By: Rhea

By: Rhea
By: Rhea

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Honestly, it was one big wisp of luck thrown our direction when Tegan and Sara decided to come perform at Hard Rock Café in our city. Seriously, no one ever comes and plays here and when they do, it is people who make their concerts nothing more than a music video full of unwanted (by us), semi-nude trashcans for girls and music that has more sound enhancing and marketing strategists than actual talent- the likes of Akon for example.
So finally, someone that was actually worth having a fight with your parents over for permission was going to be within breathing distance of us and we weren’t planning on missing it even if our immaculately conceived first borns decided to make their way into the world by some twist of fate that night.
A good four hours in advance to our leaving- we washed, bathed, brushed, changed, plucked, shaved, packed, and turned on our swag (not really, but it is worth saying to add some drama to usually used verbs that describe getting ready). We left and reached Hard Rock well in time for some lurking around shops, a quick grab of grub and some polite conversation at the door and in the café. I would say we spent our pre- Tegan and Sara time in the venue pretty productively. We spoke to some fanatics, took some selfies in the bathroom, bumped into some friends and made the necessary, awkward chit-chat with them, discovered some severely under-credited musicians (refer below) and bought iced-teas.
This electro-pop musician, Vivek Shraya opened for them and he was pretty darn fit- his clothes were a dream, his music an even more vivid dream and his face would be on any photographer’s wish list (those cheekbones aahhh). So he’s Indian and he is nothing like the usual drum thumping, intense metal heads like most of the Indian bands we’ve checked out (they are brilliant in their own way though and so was he). Here is a link to his facebook page http://www.facebook.com/vivekmusic and his youtube vids and stuff http://vivekshraya.com/, have a look he does some subtly bold stuff.
So after him and some pretty itchy waiting, Tegan and Sara glided up onto the stage out of nowhere and started their thingamabob and contrary to popular opinion- they were really amusing and sounded and looked even better live. This might be really creepy but we have to add- they are so pretty, there is something so appealing about their effortless simplicity. They performed a whole bunch of some of their best stuff, there is a picture of their set list below and a few from their most recent record. Half of us bought teeshirts and groupie-d the life out of ourselves from buying CD’s to badges and changing midway. They were really fucking good and you haven’t heard them you should start. Here is a link to their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/TeganandSara and website http://teganandsara.com/. And here are some pictures, which serve both as evidence and profile pictures from that night. Let us know what you think yeah? Kthnxbai.

Vivek Shraya^

Friday, December 3, 2010


Here's our last interview- Constance Phillips, a 23 year old photographer and fashion blogger from London. She incorporates several pieces of clothing into one look and always manages to make it seem effortlessly sophisticated. At the risk of sounding like a pair of creeps, if she lived closer we would grovel at her feet to model for us. Here is a link to her blog http://constance-victoria.blogspot.com/ and her lookbook profile http://lookbook.nu/constance_victoria. Let us know what you think?

This one^ is not from her lookbook but it is one of our favorite pictures off her blog. 

When did you start photographing and modeling? 
I started photography at the age of 19 after doing a part time evening course at my local college, although I had always been interested in fashion photography beforehand.

What camera do you use?
The camera I use the most at the moment is a canon 400D.

Do you prefer film or digital? and why? 
I actually prefer film. The first photography course I did was soley concentrated on black and white photography and the development process in the dark room which I really loved. I find it harder to use film more recently though simply because it is more expensive and time consuming.

What camera did you start with and how has your equipment evolved over time? 
I started using an old film camera which was my dads, I think it was a Minolta. Since getting more into photography and doing my degree I have worked more in digital and so I bought my Canon 400D. I have also bought a couple of new lenses over time.

What time do you usually shoot? And what do you like photographing?
It depends on the image I am trying to achieve. Sometimes working in dusk can have really beautiful and eerie effects which I love to make use of.

Your favorite photographers/ artists.
Paulo Roversi has always been my favourite photographer but I also love Tim Walker and Sarah Moon. 
In terms of artists I really love Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele.

Your favorite stores to shop at and designers you love? 
I find some of my best clothing at carboot sales or on ebay! I love finding vintage one offs that no one else will have. When I do shop on the high street I like a lot of the items in Topshop and Zara.

What is your biggest inspiration? 
I find inspiration from all elements around me, whether it be art, music, books, film, There is so much I can take inspiration from!

How would you describe your style? 
I would say my style is a mixture of vintage, grunge, and bohemian! 

What music do you listen to?
I love Fever Ray, Bjork, Cocorosie, Toodar, Zenelephant, and The good life. They are only a tiny section of what I am listening to at the moment!
And what are your favorite books?
I loved 'The time travelers wife' But I have so many favourite books its hard to list them all.

Your fashion idol(s). 
I really admire Erin Wassons style and how she look so effortless yet so great all the time!

Your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
My favourite item in my wardrobe is probably a pair of boots rather than clothing - My vivienne westwood pirate boots! In terms of clothing i have a topshop pair of jeans that I wear to death and a beautiful dress from 'warm pixie' which fits me beautifully.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Our last interviewee is Janine S- a relatively new fashion blogger off lookbook. Her style is fun yet sharp; she pairs an average pair of shorts with a well fitted blazer and such. Even though she doesn't have much up yet she has potential and so we interviewed her. Here is a link to her lookbook profile http://lookbook.nu/user/199317-Janine-S and her blog http://fleurrebelle.blogspot.com/. Let us know what you think?

Tell us a bit about yourself. 
I'm an 18 year old girl living in Switzerland. Currently, I am a trainee at the domain of Webdesign. 
I started blogging this August. I am passionate about photography and fashion.

Tell us a bit about your style.
I love mixing basic things with something eye-catching like special shoes or an intense color. If i wear an elegant piece of clothing I try to keep the rest basic maybe a bit oversized.  It's important to me not to look like everyone else on the street so 2nd hand pieces are a good addition.

Your fashion pet peeve. 
What I dont like are those logo bags and clothes that say: look at me I'm rich (or try to be)
Your favorite look on lookbook.
Oh that's hard. Everyone on Lookbook has something special. There are thousands of good looks and new ones are being uploaded every minute.

Your favorite shops/ designers.
My favorites are Topshop, H&M, American Apparel, ZARA, thrift shops

Your fashion idols, and why?
I've never had only one fasion idol. I'm inspired by the people around me everyday . Fashion Magazines have never really been a big inspiration to me. So I'm happy that there are so many good blogs to read. And last but not least.. music!

Your favorite era of fashion, and why?
If I could choose I'd love to live in the 19th century in England. The dresses and the furniture were amazing and so elegant! But I do also loooove the 20's when everything was so glamorous. When men were supposed to be gentlemen and ladies gave their very best to look good . The 50's and 60's are another era i really love. Not only the clothes, but rather the lifestyle and the music. They had to live without technology- that's so great!
Do you take your own pictures? If yes, tell us a bit about your photography. (what camera you use, when you like shooting, what you prefer to shoot)
No I don't take them by myself. I have some friends who take them. I use a Canon G13.  

Your favorite artists/ music/ books.
Book: Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice.  Movie: Breakfast at Tiffanys, Amelie 

Your favorite piece of clothing and why?
A dark blue Zara blazer. It gives an elegant touch to every outfit. And my high waist zara jeans, they are so 80's :)

What are your must haves this season? 
This season I'm addicted to everything camel. And i really love those ankle boots with laces.  A jacquard sweater it at the top of my shopping list!

If you could have one person's wardrobe who's would it be? And why?
Oh I think that would be a mix of person from Paris, London and New York :)  chic, trashy and elegant!

One thing you cannot live without. 
I think the answer should be the people I love but since they are not things, it's defenitely my camera.

Tell us a bit about the city you live in. And does it inspire you?
I live in a small city near Zurich. It's not a very fashionable town and it definitely does not inspire me. If i wear for example high heels everyone looks at me funny, that's so annoying. That would never happen to me in a big city. So in the future I want to live in Zurich.

One thing that you're saving up for.
One thing I cant do is save up for something. If i see something expensive I'll buy it if I have the money. Otherwise I'll forget it ;) But that would be a LEICA analog camera. 

Monday, November 29, 2010


Possibly the most talented person we know firsthand, Shivya Kochar was always an intellectual. I have known her practically her entire life. Someone who started out as an awkward silent child has today, grown to be an adroit photographer/writer/graphic artist/creative wizard. She isn't an exhibitionist, which is why we interviewed her to put her in the spotlight for once.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hi, I'm Shivya. 
I like to draw/paint and space out..but mostly I take photos.
I dream every night and I never get bored.

When did you start?
Taking photos? Its been a while.

What got you interested in photography?
I've always kind of had an OCD driven necessity to record my life. I've kept diaries since 4th grade, pages and stacks of journals all piled up with every silly feeling to life transformational changes. My interest in photographs developed from that need, to support my writing as visual aid. Eventually, somehow though, my writer's block lasted too long and I grew more and more interested in photography. Soon it became the other way around, words became limited to captioning photos. I guess I realized just a photograph can say a million things, sometimes even that which we cannot express in words. Life changed.

What does your camera equipment consist of?
At the moment, my equipment is shamefully limited. I have my canon DSLR ♥, EoS 500 D to be precise. Lenses a few (well two), 10-20 mm (f4-5.6 ) EX DC Wide-angle Sigma, EFS 15-55mm macro. My extremely heavy, yet trusty, local tripod. I carry a point and shoot around on casual occasions, Sony Cybershot (The one with that automatically detects a smile and takes a photo. Fascinating.) I also love to experiment with different filters, the IR filter is my current obsession. My awesome new Sony camorder takes some pretty decent shots as well, not to mention 164 minutes of high-definition video.

What do you like shooting? And what time of the day do you prefer to shoot?
I'm a big candid junkie. I guess because I'm principally a lazy person I like to take photos of things as they pass by in its natural form. I'm really into street photography, portraits to be precise. Also, if I can improve I'd love to further experiment with High-speed photography. The results are always gasp-worthy. 
Time of the day that I prefer, hm..that really depends on what I want to shoot, right. I've never really had a masterpiece in a low light setting, so thats an incentive kill. Yet I know better than to limit myself due to preference. I take photos whenever my finger feels an itch towards the shutter button, could be anytime of the day really. No preference. 

What's your biggest photography pet peeve(s)?
I wouldn't call it a pet peeve, but there's something about the repetitive close-up shots of flowers and leaves with dewdrops etc. that tend to put me off. Don't get me wrong, I love nature. But I personally won't find myself peering down a plant with a bumble-bee sucking nectar to get a shot that looks just the bazillion other close-ups of plants. There's nothing original or dominantly expressive about such shots. Not being opinionated though, I might change my fickle mind about that.. but at the moment, yes.

Favorite photographer(s) and why?
My all time favorite photographer, photojournalist rather, is Steve McCurry. Not just for his portrait of the "Afghan girl" but because I closely follow his career and aspire to be just like him. My other more artsy photographic inspirations are Martin Stranka and the collective works of Robert and Shana Parkeharrison. I've also been inspired a great deal by my mentor Gilad Hamid Ahuri.

What/who are your inspirations? 
Well, people do inspire me a great deal but more than that, I get inspired by life. I think the word inspiration itself is so intangible that mostly (for me, atleast) its hard to place where it hits you from. It comes to me as a jolt of distraction at any moment, if I'm lucky I hold onto it and build upon it. Most of time though, it leaves sooner than it comes.

Favorite musician/artists/authors?
I've never been decisive enough to have constant all time favorite music artists.. I like the clarity that the Beatles bring with their songs, I like the dark twisted-ness of MCR, recently I've been largely inspired by the pretty,dreamy lyrics of Adam Young's Owl City project paired with techno sounds. I had a huge phase with Japanese visual kei music, but I don't think I'm into all that anymore. Oh I like John Mayer too.
As for visual artists, I like the works of Taro Yamamoto. I love Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Modern art, predominantly. I also have a great respect for manga artists such as Masashi Kishimoto.
As for authors.. hmm,I read a large diverse amount of books. Harry Potter is my all time favorite. J.K Rowling is amazing. I like the sensitive and elaborate novels written by Jodi Picoult. Just going to name a few authors, Umberto Eco, Dan Brown, Micheal Crichton, Mark Haddon... from the top of my head.

Do you usually edit your picture or prefer the raw version?
I edit almost all my pictures. I also keep copies of the raw versions, but if I want to display my photos, I make it a point to touch it up or sometimes I get carried away too. Photoshop requires artistic discretion as well, I believe. I'm not into heavy manipulations but I'd love to learn more of the possibilities and expand my interests.

What are you aspiring for at the moment?
I'm not good at momentary goals, I always aspire big, mostly vague ideals. But at the moment, as an immediate not thought of answer just off my head, I aspire to get an IB diploma, to get better at vector art, photography ofcourse. I aspire to be a better person (unoriginal but true.) Oh yeah, I want to learn how to cook some good food too.

If you could photograph/take pictures of any person or place in the world, who/where would it be?
I would love to, I mean I literally repeatedly dream of going to the Arctic Region and getting some mind-blowing shots of that clear expanse of icy white horizon meeting the stark blue sky. Cold, frozen places fascinate me to no limit. I'd like to get there before Global Warming melts away all that beauty. Now thats an another thing I aspire to do right there.

What is one photography rule you don't understand?
Art has no rules or limitations. Photography is art ofcourse. I mean thats how I think of it, if there are any rules..I probably don't know of them.

What is one odd thing you love? (anything, doesn't have to be photography related)
Even though I'm not known as a physical person, I love holding hands till I get sweaty palms. I love sweaty palms.

Three things about you that no one knows?
1. I'm a really bad listener. I have serious issues with zoning out completely and I've made a talent out of stringing together appropriate conversational fillers that I judge by the few stray words I catch. I'm not trying to indicate that I'm the only one with something interesting to say, the problem actually lies in me. However, over time people do become exceptions to this bad habit.

2. I've never understood how deductive reasoning works.

3. I love my brother. People easily assume because I'm a complete polar personality to him, I don't attempt to understand him and he doesn't follow my ideals so I don't love him. This is probably some form of common deductive reasoning again, because even though all of that is true, by some miracle of natural biological programming, I love him.

One thing/person you could never get tired of shooting?
Honestly,I like shooting pretty much everything. However, one thing I can never get enough of is..the sky. The distinct sunny hues, cloud patterns, Delhi smog, rainy skies, midnight skies.. its different every time, everyday and I never tire of it. I take pictures of the sky almost daily. 

What would you like to do with the rest of your life?
Making plans are such a killjoy. So even though I have a vague idea, I'd like to say: I have no idea.