Friday, December 3, 2010


Here's our last interview- Constance Phillips, a 23 year old photographer and fashion blogger from London. She incorporates several pieces of clothing into one look and always manages to make it seem effortlessly sophisticated. At the risk of sounding like a pair of creeps, if she lived closer we would grovel at her feet to model for us. Here is a link to her blog and her lookbook profile Let us know what you think?

This one^ is not from her lookbook but it is one of our favorite pictures off her blog. 

When did you start photographing and modeling? 
I started photography at the age of 19 after doing a part time evening course at my local college, although I had always been interested in fashion photography beforehand.

What camera do you use?
The camera I use the most at the moment is a canon 400D.

Do you prefer film or digital? and why? 
I actually prefer film. The first photography course I did was soley concentrated on black and white photography and the development process in the dark room which I really loved. I find it harder to use film more recently though simply because it is more expensive and time consuming.

What camera did you start with and how has your equipment evolved over time? 
I started using an old film camera which was my dads, I think it was a Minolta. Since getting more into photography and doing my degree I have worked more in digital and so I bought my Canon 400D. I have also bought a couple of new lenses over time.

What time do you usually shoot? And what do you like photographing?
It depends on the image I am trying to achieve. Sometimes working in dusk can have really beautiful and eerie effects which I love to make use of.

Your favorite photographers/ artists.
Paulo Roversi has always been my favourite photographer but I also love Tim Walker and Sarah Moon. 
In terms of artists I really love Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele.

Your favorite stores to shop at and designers you love? 
I find some of my best clothing at carboot sales or on ebay! I love finding vintage one offs that no one else will have. When I do shop on the high street I like a lot of the items in Topshop and Zara.

What is your biggest inspiration? 
I find inspiration from all elements around me, whether it be art, music, books, film, There is so much I can take inspiration from!

How would you describe your style? 
I would say my style is a mixture of vintage, grunge, and bohemian! 

What music do you listen to?
I love Fever Ray, Bjork, Cocorosie, Toodar, Zenelephant, and The good life. They are only a tiny section of what I am listening to at the moment!
And what are your favorite books?
I loved 'The time travelers wife' But I have so many favourite books its hard to list them all.

Your fashion idol(s). 
I really admire Erin Wassons style and how she look so effortless yet so great all the time!

Your favorite piece of clothing that you own?
My favourite item in my wardrobe is probably a pair of boots rather than clothing - My vivienne westwood pirate boots! In terms of clothing i have a topshop pair of jeans that I wear to death and a beautiful dress from 'warm pixie' which fits me beautifully.

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