Saturday, November 20, 2010

bright green dim cheesecake casanova

You know when you are running really fast and then you stop for whatever reason and you think about what just happened and it felt so much faster than it was, that's what the last 3 days have been like for us.

We slept at like 3 in the morning, got ditched by a model, took our own pictures (shown below), slept through the day, said goodbye to our parents, had an entire house to ourselves, got ready for Anahita's birthday dinner, went out with people, drank Sex on the Beach for the first time (which was bloody awful), journeyed to India Gate to wish Anahita at midnight, bought some tacky bubble machines and sling shots, bruised our thumbs using them, hugged Anahita, came home, stayed up all night talking, slept through the next day, went out for posh dinner, stayed up most of that night, were up at the crack of dawn, got on the HOHO bus (the Delhi sightseeing bus), bailed on it, went to this sleaze fest- Pahar Ganj, got hit on by hobos, avoided mostly everything, ate street food for lunch, came home, got dressed, went our for another friends birthday dinner, ate some crappy grub, stalked most of our facebook lists and thence, it came to an end.

But here are the pictures of the shoot we had on the first morning. Let us know what you think? Kthnxbai

By : Rhea

By : Anahita Paul

By : Rhea

By : Anahita Paul

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